Demolish the Wall
I read in the Holy Book:
nothing between Heaven and Hell
but a wall
on one side is mercy
on the other side torture
I learned from philosophic debates
that between right and wrong
is a single hair
only intellects can see
I was appalled when I discovered
the difference between pagan and believer
is so minute, even thinner than an atom
You see two prostrating:
the former’s heart direct to the Idol,
the latter's soul to God on the high throne
Now nothing prevents me
from enjoying life, meeting the beloved
but the wall
nothing separates me from freedom
but the wall
I call on you from behind the walls:
stop building them!
walls block the hungry from food
walls bar the sick from medical supplies
walls obstruct people’s interaction with one another
walls segregate lovers
Demolish the walls!
symbols of tyranny and the dark age
enemy of man and life
2009 by Yassin Aref