Yassin's Poems

Warm Hug

Come close and stay near
allow me to linger with your scent
give me a hug

Please listen to
my doctor's prescription:
"To improve your heart's condition
you should receive a warm hug
four times every day"

I am here by myself
struggling with life's concerns
a stranger! a long distance
far from you and from all those
beloved to me
A fire blazes in my chest
it melts my heart
boils my blood
there are no limits no boundaries
that can contain my thoughts and memories

I am a poor man
knocking at your door
begging for charity
for love, friendship and sympathy
With your soft hand, give me a kind touch
be generous, accept this guest
with warm hospitality!

Do not look at my gray hair
My heart is very young
as well as my ego
which still cries like a baby
for the loving embrace
it used to receive from my mother
when it was a child, such a long time ago!

2009 by Yassin Aref

November 21, 2009

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